Wednesday, February 23, 2005

People lining up for new video game

Two new major video game titles were released today. And one thing struck me whilst standing in line about to purchase the last two copies of EA's MVP Baseball game (much to the disappointment/anger of the stockbroker type behind me). It was the diversity of the crowd.

I felt like I was standing in line to get a movie ticket. Which was really interesting when you compare it to the feeling I used to have of being a full geek for being seen in a game shop. There was also the same excitement around the launch day. I called about 6 stores to see if they had it and they had sold out. I asked the guy at Gamestop and he said he had take 350 pre-rders for the game just in his store. He had heard of other stores having more. Pretty much all stores will guarantee you a copy on the first day it comes out of you put $5 down nowadays.

So I got home and checked out all the new features in the game. One of the best things, was logging on to Xbox Live and hearing the first few people speaking on the game. It was like they had rushed to a new planet and were now walking around checking out the place. Then they will wait for the world to become more and more populated.


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