Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Twitter me this...

Micro-blogging seems like the perfect compromise for a society with ever dwindling attention spans. Take a limited text count, say 140 letters, and try to fit as much information as possible while still retaining a semblance of context and voice. The finished product reads like a mixture between a LiveJournal entry and a Facebook status update. A soundbite of your life, if you will.

Ever increasingly, brands are starting to take advantage of this medium. Comcast made news when they introduced Comcast Cares, and shortly after grew it to become one of the top subscribed to Twitters ever created. Comcast has dedicated one of their customer service representatives to handle this form of support as a full time job. Tools like allow for a quick reference to people who have Twittered about disputes with their cable or internet, allowing Comcast Cares to offer online assistance. They’re really quite efficient at addressing customer disputes!

Here at Reindeer, we’ve started a twitter for SoBe Life Water with the goal of transparency in mind. Our updates come from the point of view of the brand, and have been giving an inside look at what’s going on here at Reindeer, and with the campaign. SoBe is lucky to have a huge faction of superfans, and they’ve become a key part in the success of the campaign. So for us, Twitter is an indispensable tool in our Social Media arsenal. It allows us to produce a soundbite update, and communicate with users about thoughts and suggestions they have as well. This kind of interaction is a key part of the Reindeer plan, and what sets winning brands apart from the rest. Of course, like Comcast Cares, a successful Twitter requires constant attention and optimization in order to produce the best results. However, when brands allocate the resources needed to make it happen, the return on investment can be monumental. This makes Twitter a great way to reach that elusive demographic with an ever dwindling attention span.

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